All I Wanted Was To Go To Kiddie Land
When I was about six years old I thought it would be a good idea to convince my aunt to take me to Kiddie Land. Being so young and adorable I convinced her very easily, I also convinced her to take my favorite cousin Angie! It was all very exciting and I was so happy. When we decided to leave my cousin asked me if I wanted to race to the car. My aunt being the sweet lady she is said with great profundity said it was best not to race, so I did it anyways. As we were racing it felt so great, wind in my hair, laughter all around, and being around my loved ones, it was amazing. Then something happened, I suddenly didn't feel so great anymore it was like all the sunshine and rainbows had disappeared and turned into darkness. It was in that moment that I tripped on a rabbit hole and fell face first onto concrete breaking my nose. Blood was gushing everywhere and I couldn't stop crying! I felt so stupid and so ashamed knowing that if I would've listened to my aunt this would've never happened. I was completely Flabbergasted and wanted nothing more than anything to take it all back. It was horrible, I was rushed to the hospital and even worse I never made it to Kiddie Land. That day taught me so much like, not to be stupid, think more, and most importantly always and I mean ALWAYS listen to my aunt. Though even now given the situation and knowing how it would play out I would still do the same thing over again.
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