
Showing posts from September, 2016

10 Year Blog

In ten years I hope to be in college or just getting out of college about to start life as a true adult. Although to say what I'd want to be doing or where I want to be in life is a hard thing to have an answer to at the moment. It's not like I don't have goals and dreams for myself because I do but at the end of the day I feel like they don't matter. I feel like they don't matter because at this time in society the world only cares about things like what kind of car you drive and how much money you have. Though some of my hopes in dreams in life don't guarentee things like the ability to have a nice car or even a guarented stable income if I'm even fortunate enough to find a job. In conclusion there are ideas I have on where to take my life and what steps I have to take but to really say for sure and have an answer is almost impossible right now.