Long Term Effects of Child Neglect

Imagine being a middle school student walking into the school minding your own business. Looking for your friends you suddenly seeing a little boy or girl alone with no friends and no type of social contact with scars, scratches, and bruises right there on their bodies. Very noticeable and very uneasy to look at you're too afraid to ask them what happened. You don't want to be rude either but it's just so noticeable and everyone is too afraid to do anything about it. So you let it go, then you find out 10 years later on the news that that same kid who was all alone and beat up just killed someone and you did nothing.

Neglect is a very big issue and it only leads to very horrible outcomes in the world. Though, there is not just one type of neglect, in fact, there are several that can cause awful outcomes throughout a neglected child's life. Neglect can also cause many long term health and mental issues that may lead to crimes being committed when someone who is being neglected grows up and thinks for themselves. All in all, neglect is a very unfortunate thing that many people have to go through whether they are suffering through different types of neglect or not, leading to crimes being committed or certain health issues likely to develop later on in their lives.

In the world so many people are suffering through neglect whether you realize it or not and not all of them are going through the same type of experience either. For example, according to webmd.com it says that the different types of neglect are, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and Regular Neglect. In a survey I’ve created taken by 167 Heritage Middle School students it says that, 15% out of 100% of those students have suffered through physical neglect and 26.9% out of 100% of those same students have suffered through emotional neglect. Revealing that many people aren’t suffering through the same neglect or that they are unfortunately suffering through an experience of both physical and emotional neglect. Thus, there are many different people suffering with different types of neglect whether we realize it or not on a day to day basis.

Neglect can also cause many different types of health issues in someone's life. For instance, someone who as suffered through neglect can go through Anxiety, Depression, Difficulty Concentrating, Difficulty sleeping, Flashbacks and many more according to the Joyful Heart Foundation. This Demonstrates that not only does neglect have an affect on your daily life but it can also affect your decisions and mindset you have every day. Therefore, we can conclude that neglect has a very negative impact on most people and can cause something as rough as a mental health issue.

Not only does neglect cause mental health issues but it can also lead to many crimes that may be committed later in someone’s life. In fact according to childhelp.org it states, “Children who experience child abuse & neglect are about 9 times more likely to become involved in criminal activity.” Indicating that an abundant amount of people are more likely to result in crime due to childhood neglect. Another example from DOSOMETHING.org says, “14% of all men and 36% of all women in prison were abused as children.” Additionally indicating that many children who were neglected or abused are in prison which is also a negative long term effect that neglect has. Furthermore, neglect can cause something as serious as a crime being committed and time being served.

Overall, neglect is something that a lot of people suffer through and unfortunately have to live through as well. Though, it is up to us to be aware and try to help the children shuddering everyday. Neglect not only affects these adolescents long term life but also affects all the other lives around them due to what path and what decisions they decide to make later in their future. In conclusion neglect is a really big issue that has many different forms and can cause many mental health and crime leading issues that happen in a lot of adolescents lives.









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