The Greatest Things In My Life!
This year I've decided I no longer care about what I have and if I have the newest stuff. Now I've realized what's really important in life is thanking and appreciating those you love and those who are there for you when you need them most. When I was younger I always thought that I should be thankful if my parents got me a new toy or a new phone but this year I've finally realize that the people in our lives are so much more important than any item anyone can buy. I finally realized this because at the end of the day no item is going to be there for you, but it's the people that will be. So this year I decided to really take the time and think and appreciate everyone who is there for me and everyone who loves me or takes the time to even ask something so simple as "Hey Yazie, how's your day?" Overall this year I'm just really appreciative and thankful for those who are there for me and for those who take the time and actually care about how I feel and how I'm doing.
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